The Right Tool

or, How to Avoid Getting in a Pickle

Using the right tool for the job you're trying to accomplish will make you feel incalculably better about doing the things you need to do ... and make your colleagues feel incalculably better about using technological tools to work with you.

Many of the tools listed below are part of Google Workspace. Some are part of Microsoft Office. If you're not sure what the difference is, visit the terminology page on this site.

If you're trying to ...

Save your files somewhere safe ...

... use Google Drive

Find the files you've saved ...

... open Google Drive File Stream in your operating system's file manager or visit Google Drive in a browser window

Edit a document, spreadsheet, or presentation ...

Just you? Use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

You and others? Use Google Docs, Slides, Sheets

Enter information into a spreadsheet ...

Just you? Use Microsoft Excel

You and others? Use Google Sheets and Forms

Have a brief or informal conversation with a colleague (e.g., ask a question; have a quick back-and-forth; share a snappy meme) ...

One colleague? Use Google Chat (or a phone call)

Many colleagues? Use Google Meet or Google Rooms

Host a virtual meeting ...

... use Google Meet

(Wait, don't we use Zoom? Like for webinars or breakout rooms?)

Collaborate on a project ...

... use Google Shared Drives or Google Rooms

Schedule a meeting with a colleague ...

... use Google Calendar